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Titre : A Life Like Mine: How Children Live Around the World

A Life Like Mine: How Children Live Around the World


DK,©2006.128 p.
Première parution 2002.

Ce livre est épuisé
Dewey 305, CONST 52289, Jeunesse

Édition papier : 9780756618032

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Pistes d'exploration

Choose one of the children in the book and put together a short media presentation to explain the main points to the class.

Use a graphic organizer to describe your situation as a child in Québec regarding one of the four main topics of the book: survival, development, protection, participation.

Create interview questions and answers for one of the children in the book. Act out the interview with a friend.

Use a world map to pinpoint the origins of the children in the book.

Choose a child from the book and compare his/her life with yours using a Venn diagram.

Prepare a media presentation that describes your situation as a child in Québec regarding one of the four main topics of the book: survival, development, protection and participation.

Look at the world map on pages 6-7. Jot down a name of the country and a person. Add one piece of additional information about that country after having discussed it in teams.

Create interview questions and answers for one of the adolescents in the book. With a partner, act out the interview.

Create a new page for this book about an adolescent from one of Canada’s provinces or territories. Include information on each of the four topics: survival, development, protection and participation.

A School Like Mine: A Unique Celebration of Schools Around the World, Real Stories From Street Children Across the World


Non-fiction , around the world , children , children's rights , community , everyday life , illustrations (photographs)

Commentaire descriptif

This beautiful, information-rich book is based on the Convention on the Rights of a Child. Chapters such as “Watery tales,” “School for all!” and “War and recovery” address the four basic rights (survival, development, protection and participation), using child-centred language, images and topics. Profiles of specific children will also engage young readers. Under “Health for life,” readers meet Nathalie from the UK, who controls her asthma with inhalers. “A place to live” introduces Vincent who lives in a mud brick home in Rwanda. Every segment’s theme is augmented with examples and anecdotes from other parts of the world. The result is an enlightening mosaic of children’s lives today. The language is simple and engaging, although the abundance of material demands the book be approached in smaller segments; superb organization easily accommodates this. The photographs are telling; the design and infographics are accessible and friendly. A wonderful resource for a lesson, a project or independent browsing, this book is a feat of delivery and inspiration for readers of any age.

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