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Titre : Tar Beach

Tar Beach

Ringgold, Faith 

Illustrated by Faith Ringgold.
Penguin Random House,©1996.32 p.
Première parution 1991.

CONST 52759, Jeunesse

Édition papier : 9780517885444

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Pistes d'exploration

As you read the endnote, identify which elements are biographical and which are fictional. Which elements of the artwork are painted? Quilted?

How do Cassie’s dreams reflect details of the life of African-Americans in 1939? What injustices do Cassie and her family face? What has changed since then?

Write a story telling what you would do if you had a dream like Cassie’s.

Research story quilts made by the author and create a class story quilt made from paper. Incorporate panels with text, images and patterned blocks.

Do a picture walk and discuss what you think the story will be about.

Create a story map. Identify what is realistic and what is imaginary.

How do the endnotes help you understand the story differently? Look back at your story map and adjust it accordingly, showing your new understanding.

Discuss how we know when the story takes place (1939). Why does Cassie dream of being free to go wherever she wishes? Research reasons why some people could not do what they wanted to do. How would Cassie’s life be similar and different today?

What dreams do you have? What challenges will you need to overcome?

Read the endnote to get a sense of the author’s childhood growing up in Harlem, NY, in the 1930s.

List the fictional and biographical elements in a T-chart.

Based on the story quilt presented at the end, create a class quilt. Each panel can include text, images and patterned blocks.

Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., The Keeping Quilt, I Have a Dream


Fantasy , Picture book , African Americans , civil rights , flight , imagination , New York City , poverty , quilting

Commentaire descriptif

This visually vibrant book is based on the artwork of Faith Ringgold, who created a series of painted quilts telling about her life and the struggles and history of the African American community. In Tar Beach, also the name of one of her quilts, a young girl recounts her life with her family in New York City. Colourful oil paint and collage illustrations show how quilting is a traditional way of storytelling, with each quilt square representing part of the story. Pages are bordered by textile-like squares, creating the impression that the book itself is a quilt. Written from a child’s perspective, the narrator is honest about the discrimination and the hardships her parents experience as they try to make ends meet and keep their family together. The poetic rhythm of the text shows how the young girl is inspired by the city: “stars and skyscraper buildings all around me, made me feel rich, like I owned all that I could see.” She imagines herself flying over New York and visiting all the places that are meaningful to her: “free to go wherever I want for the rest of my life.” A biographical note wraps up this tale of imagination and dreams in a time of social injustice.

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