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Titre : Pay It Forward Kids: Small Acts, Big Changes


Pay It Forward Kids: Small Acts, Big Changes

Runstedler, Nancy 

Fitzhenry & Whiteside,©2013.64 p.
Première parution 2013.

CONST 52866, Jeunesse

Édition papier : 9781554553013

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Pistes d'exploration

Before reading, discuss problems found in the world (war, famine, sickness, etc.). How are they addressed by individuals or groups? How can children help?

What do you notice, or not notice, about the children in the photographs? If they are just ordinary kids, then what does that teach you about being extraordinary?

Read at least three chapters that appeal to you. What characteristics do the children have in common? Choose one you admire and explain why in a letter to them.

Read the quote on page 36. Brainstorm simple ways to pay it forward (page 59). What do you currently do for others? Commit to doing two new things in the following days.

Before reading, discuss problems found in the world (war, famine, sickness, etc.). How are they addressed by individuals or groups? How can children help?

Each chapter describes people who change the world in their own way. Use a graphic organizer to identify the people, their causes and their organizations. Find organizations that serve a similar purpose in your area.

Read a few chapters from the book. What characteristics do these kids exhibit? What do you have in common with them?

Discuss problems in your own community. Brainstorm ways to solve or reduce these problems. With a partner, discuss what you personally can do. Write a plan and try it out. (IE)

Note the quotes written in red. Which one would you choose for yourself? Why?

Pay attention to the text components as you read. In the name webs, what do the different colours mean? Write something new you learned from reading a green tag. Select a favourite quote.

Take notes while you read. In teams, find a creative way to showcase the similarities between these 14 young people who really practised what they preached.

Over an entire term, track what you did each day to make the life of another human being just a little bit better.

Thank You, Mr. Falker, Be Good to Eddie Lee, Real Stories From Street Children Across the World, Malala, a Brave Girl From Pakistan; Iqbal, a Brave Boy From Pakistan, One Peace: True Stories of Young Activists, Courage and Compassion: Ten Canadians Who Made a Difference


Non-fiction , activism , around the world , children , children's rights , empathy , layout , multimodal , point of view , social change , social justice , structures and features

Commentaire descriptif

Fourteen inspiring young people are profiled in this book about activism. Readers will meet Jeneece Edroff, for example, the “Penny Girl” who has raised millions of dollars of funding for children’s and health-focused charities. Ethan and Noah Chase, also featured, share their love of hockey with fund and equipment drives, to help less fortunate kids in Canada and overseas. Whether they are 9 or 19 years old, whether their concern is homelessness or free access to books, whether they are helping others in their community or across the world, each person’s story is rich with his or her own words, history and plans for the future. Sidebars offer inspiring messages from humanitarians as varied as Mother Theresa and Dr. Seuss. The book is fully illustrated with colour photos of the young people and their projects. Back material offers an index, further reading suggestions and endnotes. This book has an uplifting and empowering message for young readers—indeed any reader. As 15 year-old Tyler Page (activist against child slavery) says: “We as kids have a right to stand up and change what is wrong.”

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